Clinical Pharmacology


The Training Programme Director is

Programme Support Officer

People Services Officers, Lead Employer Trust - Allyson Ashwell/Christian Bennett-Collins 

For Lead Employer Trust queries please use the generic email address:-

Lead Employer Trust helpdesk number -  01912754782


Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics is an exciting training programme involved with providing patients with the application of pharmacological principles. The programme gains interest from this wide scope of practices including: the development of new drugs, prescribing established drugs, managing poisoning by other chemicals and drugs, and the regulation of drug use within populations.


The programme in NHSE NE is mainly based in the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle upon Tyne.


What would you learn?

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics is a 4-year training programme and it is usually combined with General Internal Medicine. The first two years of the training programme consist of Core Clinical Pharmacology where you will gain the necessary Pharmacological and therapeutic competencies. In your final year you will complete Advanced Specialist Area Modules in CPT. This module allows trainees to focus their training into a specialist area and develop the unique specialist skills that are needed to perform at an expert level in these specialist areas. There are four specialist areas which you can pick from:

  • Hypertension
  • Toxicology
  • Clinical Trials Research
  • Research Module

    To gain more information about these topics please refer to the Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Specialist Training Curriculum.


    What Careers can you have in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics?

    There are a variety of career paths you can take from this specialty training programme. However, the most common careers are:

  • Academic – This could be through a medical school with an honorary NHS consultant contract which would allow you to be a senior lecturer, senior reader or senior professor. Academics in this career usually have a subspecialty interest.
  • Drug Regulation (e.g. MHRA)
  • NHS Consultant – In pure Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, there are very few consult jobs. Most have NHS consultant careers are usually in other specialties, but the Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics knowledge is used in areas such as drug and therapeutics committees as well as a variety of other committees.  
  • Pharmaceutical Industry


    To find out more information on the programme please visit the Programme Overview

To find out more about our region and Trusts please visit the Find Your Place website.

To find out more information about current vacancies please view the NHSE NE website



Information for Current Trainees

Access essential information on regulations, study leave, certification, assessment and the curriculum.

Information for trainers and educators

Development and guidance on becoming a trainer, standards for trainers, essential documentation for clinical and educational supervision including guidance for GP trainers,  Trust and out-of-hours supervisors, plus news about the latest courses and conferences.


Potential Applicant

Visit our Recruitment website to find out what it's like to be a GP trainee in the north east and north Cumbria.