Acute Specialties


Head of School: Mr Sohom Maitra

The School of Acute Specialties encompasses postgraduate training in the core acute specialties (acute care common stem programme including Acute Medicine, Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine) and Emergency Medicine.  The School also is developing and delivering sub-specialty training in areas such as Paediatric Emergency Medicine and pre-hospital care.  The school oversees the delivery of training against the required GMC approved curriculum and standards.

The purpose of these pages is to provide you with useful education and training information, which will assist you throughout your training programme.

Acute Care Common Stem 

Intermediate Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine


Useful links



Learn more through these webpages about medical training in the region’s NHS trusts and why trainees choose to live in the North East and North Cumbria.


At Health Education England North East we aim to offer all junior doctors in training the best education and training experience so they enter their chosen specialty fully prepared to work as a Consultant


This is the place for anyone who contributes to the education of doctors and dentists - trainers, clinical and educational supervisors, tutors, advisors, organisers and managers from Trusts, Schools and Vocational Training Schemes


Revalidation is the General Medical Council’s way of regulating licensed doctors to give extra confidence to patients that their doctors are up to date and fit to practise. 

To find out more about the process visit our revalidation section.