As a specialty postgraduate resident Dr in training (DiT / 'Resident'), you will be required to participate in the Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) process as outlined in the Gold Guide. Your Programme Support Officer, Jon Adcock, will contact you in advance with the dates for submission of evidence.
The SAC in General Surgery have produced benchmarking guidelines for General Surgery trainees in ST3-ST6 and ST7-ST8 (sometimes known as the ST6 and CCT checklists respectively)
These forms will be used as part of the ARCP process and must be completed and uploaded to your evidence section of ISCP, prior to ARCP. Residents are encouraged to use the ST7-ST8 checklist and to ensure that they are obtaining the Emergency General Surgery requirements as they rotate through the first 4 years of trainng.
In addition to the relevant checklist, you will also need to complete and upload the following documents to your ISCP:
Other useful information