Neurology ARCPs

The main round of Neurology ARCPs will be held on Thursday, 18th September 2025.  Those who are having their ARCP on this date will be contacted shortly by  Gillian Conway , Programme Support Officer.


In preparation for your ARCP, registrars will need to ensure that all evidence according to their ST level and as per the relevant ARCP Decision Aid below is uploaded on e-portfolio.  The checklist is to be used in conjunction with the Decision aid to assist both you and the panel in checking that the relevant evidence has been submitted. This document should be completed and uploaded into your personal library.


In addition you will need to provide an ES report to cover from your last ARCP until present and all trainees are required to complete an enhanced Form R which can now be done electronically and a Whole Scope of Practice form (if applicable).  Further details of this will be sent in an email.

We suggest that you go through the relevant requirements with your ES


Information for those on Neurology 2010 curriculum

Those who started training in Neurology prior to August 2021 should follow the 2010 ARCP Decision aid as below.

Neurology ARCP Decision Aid 2010 (revised 2014)

Neurology ARCP Checklist for 2010 

Neurology 2010 curriculum


Information for those on the Neurology 2022 curriculum

A new curriculum for Neurology was implemented in 2022.

Information on transitioning to the new curriculum can be found here

Neurology 2022 ARCP Decision Aid

Neurology 2022 ARCP Checklist 

Neurology 2022 curriculum

Neurology 2022 Rough guide to implementation

Guidance on transition and gap analysis

It is recommended that a gap analysis is carried out for doctors in training who will transfer to the new curricula and dual train with internal medicine from August 2022. Please see JRCPTB website for guidance and forms. 


Stroke Medicine

Curriculum 2022

Stroke Medicine Checklist 2022


Internal Medicine Training Stage 2

IMT stage 2 curriculum 2022

IMT stage 2 ARCP Decision Aid 2022






Information for Current Trainees

Access essential information on regulations, study leave, certification, assessment and the curriculum.

Information for trainers and educators

Development and guidance on becoming a trainer, standards for trainers, essential documentation for clinical and educational supervision including guidance for GP trainers,  Trust and out-of-hours supervisors, plus news about the latest courses and conferences.


Potential Applicant

Visit our Recruitment website to find out what it's like to be a GP trainee in the north east and north Cumbria.