If you are currently engaged in specialist training and have recently obtained a PhD or equivalent or expect to do so soon, you will be able to compete for an NIHR Clinical Lectureship (CL). This provides the opportunity for post-higher degree research or educational training for doctors working towards completion of specialist training.
NIHR CLs spend 50% of their time undertaking specialist clinical training and 50% on research for a minimum of 4 years. They are expected to apply for further research or support for continuing educational training and are employed by the NHS with an honorary contract with Newcastle University.
As a NIHR CL you should have protected research time, be it in a block or split week (agreed with the Training Programme Director (TPD)), and your academic activities will be reviewed annually at the Academic APA and then covered in your Clinical ARCP.
For further information regarding NIHR CLs can be found at National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
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