Organising Teaching - A Guide for Host Trusts



You can access the 3 year rolling teaching programme here to check which dates your trust is organising the regional teaching for Rheumatology postgraduate doctors in training.

As the host trust, please find below some guidance on organising your teaching session. This information will also be emailed to you as a reminder in advance of your teaching date.


Guidance document

Rheumatology teaching guidance to read through.


Information required

Please email the following information to Elaine Glenister when you have it confirmed:

·       Name and email of the consultant responsible for organising the teaching

·       Whether your session will take place virtually or face-to-face

·       Venue details, if face-to-face

·       Full programme, including teaching objectives, at least two weeks in advance in order to set up Teams link and the feedback survey

·       Speaker names and email addresses, if attending via Teams


Recording sessions

All teaching sessions will be recorded to enable trainees to catch up on any missed. Recordings will be saved in the Rheumatology Teams Channel ‘Files’ tab.

If your event is taking place face-to-face we will inform trainees that they are expected to attend in person, however we will make a Teams link available for anyone needing to join virtually and also to enable the session to be recorded. Therefore, please could you make sure there is a laptop / computer available on the day which is positioned to ensure adequate image and sound quality for this purpose.



Attendance for virtual sessions will be logged according to the Teams attendance list. If your session is being held face-to-face, please email the deanery a register of attendees afterwards. An attendance sheet template can be found here. A photo of the list is fine.



Trainees will be sent an online feedback survey after each teaching session. Once the survey has closed, feedback will be collated and anonymised then sent back to the organising consultant at the host trust to disseminate to the speakers and team.


If you require any further information, please contact Elaine Glenister,

Information for Current Trainees

Access essential information on regulations, study leave, certification, assessment and the curriculum.

Information for trainers and educators

Development and guidance on becoming a trainer, standards for trainers, essential documentation for clinical and educational supervision including guidance for GP trainers,  Trust and out-of-hours supervisors, plus news about the latest courses and conferences.


Potential Applicant

Visit our Recruitment website to find out what it's like to be a GP trainee in the north east and north Cumbria.