These pages contain information on policies, processes and meetings to enable us to improve and quality control BBT training and teaching in the north east.
- BBT Development Group
- Induction
- An FAQ sheet was developed in response to questions from trainers and trainees who input into this document. If there are any questions not answered in the FAQ please contact Adele Simpson.
- A BBT national meeting takes place twice a year in London. Trainee representatives are encouraged to attend, the next meeting will be held in October 2016 (TBC).
- A comprehensive list of dates of meetings (local and national) as well as teaching dates and ARCP is available to download.
- GMC survey - all trainees are expected to complete the GMC survey to satisfy the requiremetns of ARCP. It is important for trainees to complete the GMC (which takes place annually) as it helps the BBT programme to continually improve.