As Postgraduate Dean I would once again like to personally thank all Doctors in Postgraduate Training for the fantastic collective feedback you have given to all those in the North East and North Cumbria who have worked so hard to continue to deliver to you some of the highest ranked training in the UK.
You have rated the North East #2 overall and also as #1 in 5 out of 18 of the longstanding indicators the GMC uses to evaluate training and as #2 in 4 of the other indicators. 17/18 indicators ranked within top 5. The ‘Facilities' indicator was the lowest ranked at #8 (UK).
Your feedback reflects the huge amount of hard work your trainers, your placement providers and their education teams, the whole Workforce Education and Training team, and the Lead Employer Trust have done to prioritise training in what has once again been a most challenging year for the NHS. I would like to thank everyone involved in the delivery and organisation of Postgraduate Medical Training for the huge amount of extra work that has been done to continue to prioritise training needs alongside patient care as the pressures facing the NHS continues to affect us all.
The individual flexibility in day-to-day work and the huge amount of collaboration and collective effort continues to be a core strength of the whole NHS across the North East & North Cumbria. I realise, despite the excellent overall feedback you have given, that training has been affected in one way or another for most if not all of you at a personal level, and also that in the current climate your own individual wellbeing and your feeling of being valued by the system.
We need to continue to work together and with all our other NHS colleagues to address these concerns and to provide each other with the mutually supportive working and learning environments that are key to providing both a great training experience and great patient care. There are many ways in which you can both give us feedback and raise concerns about your training and employment throughout the training year without waiting for the 2025 GMC NTS survey.
You can find out more about raising concerns here.
We will use the coming months to look at the NTS surveys in more detail and we will provide further updates about how we will use the feedback to further improve your training. In the meantime, I would once again like to thank everyone for all the hard work done over the past year both in training and in clinical service which are inextricably linked.
You can explore the data including responses to questions using the GMC data reporting tool
GMC National Training Survey - Trainee Results, National Rank by Local office/Deanery
North East analysis of NTS Trainee results
Access essential information on regulations, study leave, certification, assessment and the curriculum.
Development and guidance on becoming a trainer, standards for trainers, essential documentation for clinical and educational supervision including guidance for GP trainers, Trust and out-of-hours supervisors, plus news about the latest courses and conferences.
Visit our Recruitment website to find out what it's like to be a GP trainee in the north east and north Cumbria.