School of Psychiatry


Child and adolescent psychiatry

Why choose Child and Adolescent Psychiatry?

In CAMHS we offer about the widest range of experience available on any rotational training programme. We have national experts in Forensic CAMHS, Autism and Affective Disorders, as trainers or who are available to gain experience from. Newcastle CAMHS has specific links with Trinity School for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, and with Harbour West – a unit for young people with anxiety/school phobic problems.

Working with children and adolescents is rewarding (and at times) frustrating. Career progression is good, as there is a general under supply of CAMHS psychiatrists, both nationally and in this region.

As a trainee what can I expect from my training programme?

The three-year rotation involves four nine-month placements within Northumberland Tyne and Wear Mental Health Trust, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley Trust and Northumbria Trust, offering a wide range of community and in-patient experience. Included in the rotation are placements in National Autism Services (CNDS), Adolescent Forensic Services (National Medium Secure Services) and regional Community Forensic Services, as well as strong links to Learning Disability CAMHS services, Neuropsychiatric services and regional Adolescent Affective Disorder services.

What our trainees say:

I enjoy working with children and trying to understand psychopathology in relation to their world. Sometimes the young people I work with have complex difficulties and their families struggle to deal with this and find the pace of progress slow. They often have issues with anger and guilt which may get projected on to certain members of the team and I have to learn to absorb this without being defensive, but also by being understanding and containing.

I also have to remember that my job is to help the young person understand and develop a solution to their difficulties as they are the real experts of their problems.

When considering this specialty I would say that is a decision that needs time and serious consideration as it is a very emotionally demanding job. However, it is a rewarding specialty if you are more of a thinker than a doer.

Current vacancy information    (links to HEE website recruitment page) 

To find out more about our region and Trusts please visit the Find Your Place website.




Useful links


Learner Support and Faculty Development











Information for Current Trainees

Access essential information on regulations, study leave, certification, assessment and the curriculum.

Information for trainers and educators

Development and guidance on becoming a trainer, standards for trainers, essential documentation for clinical and educational supervision including guidance for GP trainers,  Trust and out-of-hours supervisors, plus news about the latest courses and conferences.


Potential Applicant

Visit our Recruitment website to find out what it's like to be a GP trainee in the north east and north Cumbria.