Emergency Psychiatry
The core psychiatry curriculum states that
Trainees must gain experience in the assessment and clinical management of psychiatric emergencies and trainees must document both time spent on-call and experience gained (cases seen and managed) and this should be “signed off” by their Clinical Supervisor/Trainer.
A number and range of emergencies will constitute relevant experience. During Core Psychiatry training, trainees must have experience equivalent to participation in a first on call rota with a minimum of 55 nights on call during the period of core specialty training (i.e. at least 50 cases with a range of diagnosed conditions and with first line management plans conceived and implemented.) (Trainees working part time or on partial shift systems must have equivalent experience.)"
To assist with logging emergency encounters the school has developed a form to log emergency psychiatry cases. If trainees choose to do so (the summary log is optional) then they can use the END of POST SUMMARY LOG OF EMERGENCY PSYCHIATRY ENCOUNTERS and upload to your portfolio under the Emergency Psychiatry category