Overview of Psychiatry Training in the Region
There is a Core and six Higher Training Schemes in Psychiatry in Health Education England working across the North East (HEE NE). The Core scheme is divided into the North, with placements in Northumberland, Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, and the South with placements in Teesside, Darlington and Durham. The higher schemes include General Adult Psychiatry, Old Age Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities and Medical Psychotherapy and cover a similar geographical area. Most placements are in two very large Mental Health Foundation Trusts; Tees, Esk and Wear Valley, and Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear. In addition there are some placements in Acute Trusts such as Old Age in Gateshead and Old Age and CAMHS psychiatry in North Tyneside.
"Specialty Profiles" can be found for each scheme via the following links -
Core Psychiatry
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Forensic Psychiatry
General Adult Psychiatry
Medical Psychotherapy
Old Age Psychiatry
Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities