The North of England Approvals Panel (NEAP) are responsible for reviewing applications for section 12(2) and Approved Clinician status (both initial approval and re-approval).
A list of training providers and courses can be found via the NEAP website.
If you require further information in the meantime please contact
Mental Health Act Section 12(2) approval is key to working in higher psychiatric training and beyond.
AC approval is necessary for consultant work to allow the doctor to act as a Responsible Clinician (RC).
It is expected that most doctors entering higher training will have gained section 12(2) approval prior to entering higher training (e.g. in the latter stages of Core Training or in SAS posts depending on their career path). Once all MRCPsych exams have been completed successfully and MRCPsych gained, CT doctors should prioritise completion of a Section 12(2) approval course and application for approval. Details are available on the NEAP website.
It is understood that this may not be possible for some people (e.g. if moving from other countries) prior to starting at ST4 – in this case it is important to gain approval as soon as possible (this will be prioritised and supported in learning plans).
Please refer to the NEAP website / email address above for full details.
Please plan ahead as the process can take some time as it includes attending an appropriate course and successful application with references to NEAP confirmed in writing by the approvals panel.
Completion of a training course alone does not confer approval. Undertaking mental health act functions that require S12 approval prior to it being confirmed in writing by the panel would be unlawful.
AC approval cannot be undertaken in CT.
Section 12(2) approval – please see above under CT. This will usually have been gained prior to entering ST4 and will be prioritised on joining the grade for doctors where it has not been possible in advance (e.g. those who have moved from other jurisdictions to take up an ST4 post).
It is important that AC training and application for AC approval is completed in your final year of training.
This should be done as early in the year as is practical: The approval requires completion of an appropriate training course and then successful application to the regional approvals panel (NEAP – details as above) which can take a little time.
Successfully completing AC approval application early in ST6 means that, should an acting-up opportunity arise, the approval can be activated for that period (up to three months) so that you can act fully as AC/RC during that time and gain the additional experience that doing so allows. It also means that you will be assured that you have AC approval ready to be activated prior to commencing any consultant post on completion of training.
Completion of the course only does not mean that approval has been given, the application must then be submitted and success confirmed in writing by NEAP. Once this has been received, as an ST6 AC approval can only be active during a period of formally agreed acting up into a consultant post; at all other times it is inactive (even if the application has been accepted) until working into a consultant post following completion of higher training.
The following guidance for ST 4-6 doctors has been provided by NEAP with regard to AC approval specifically (February 2025)