Research Opportunities
The North East of England has a long and proud tradition of world-leading geriatric medicine research. Since 2007, Newcastle has been home to the only NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) in the country dedicated to the study of ageing and long-term conditions. The NIHR Newcastle BRC is led by internationally renowned academic geriatrician Professor Avan Sayer, and hosts teams specialising in sarcopenia, frailty and multimorbidity in purpose-built facilities on the Campus for Ageing and Vitality. Since 2021, Professor Sayer has led the MRC/NIHR funded collaborative research programme ADMISSION, which aims to transform understanding of multiple long-term conditions in hospitalised patients using routinely-collected healthcare data.
The NIHR North East and North Cumbria Applied Research Collaborative (NENC ARC) also has a particular focus on frailty, multimorbidity and health and ageing inequalities. This is pertinent given that across our area, we have some of the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, poor health and early death in England.
HEE NE is home to many research active geriatricians with a diverse range of research interests including movement disorders, cardiovascular disease and stroke, delirium, dementia and international health, along with sarcopenia, frailty and multimorbidity. We would all be happy to be contacted regarding opportunities to become involved in research and the TPDs within the Northern Deanery are very supportive of trainees becoming involved in research. We also have a strong network of research active trainees and most of our hospitals have been actively involved in projects run by the Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative (GeMRC).
For further information, please contact our Academic lead, Professor Miles Witham (
Additional information can be found at the following links:-