As a specialty trainee you will be required to participate in the annual assessment (ARCP) process as outlined in the Gold Guide.
Your SPC will contact you in advance with the confirmed dates for submission of evidence, when it will be reviewed and when you will have your face to face meeting.
To ensure there is a nationally consistent understanding amongst trainees and educational supervisors the RCOG has developed the Matrix of Progression which you should use throughout the year as a guide to what you need to have achieved at the end of each year. This will be the tool that the ARCP panel uses to assess the evidence you provide for your ARCP.
Form R & evidence deadline will be one week before the review date, unless otherwise stated. You will be contacted approximately 6 weeks before ARCP to confirm. If you are unsure of when your ARCP will be, please contact your PSO.
Evidence should be collected as you progress throughout your training year and not left to the last few weeks prior to your ARCP. This is looked at during your annual assessment and panels have been instructed by RCOG to take this into consideration.