LTFT Trainee Representative: Heather Harrison
LTFT Consultant Representative: Dr Hannah Gamblin
Less than Full Time Training (LTFT) enables doctors to continue in training whilst also having enough time to care for dependents, one-self if suffering ill-health or disability, or, in specified circumstances to pursue other non-work related commitments. As of November 2019 HEE have expanded this to category 3 which includes for personal choice to meet individual professional or lifestyle needs.
In order to do this, you need to be well informed about training as a LTFT trainee, the implications of part time working, what your responsibilities and entitlements are, and who can help you out when you need it. The purpose of the above guide therefore is to collate the information from a variety of sources (e.g. RCOG, BMA, National Health Service Employers (NHSE)) to make it easier for trainees to access information regarding LTFT training as well as to offer suggestions on how to maintain a successful LTFT training programme.
There is a WhatsApp group for all LTFT O&G trainees that offers great support. Trainees who are LTFT should contact Inge Christiaens to be added to the group.
Useful links:
For LTFT training:
For SuppoRTT: