Level 1 (ST1-2)


These sessions are for ST1-2 trainees

GPVTS programme - for GP trainees undertaking a 6 month Paediatric placement.

ST1-2 Training Programmes

October 2024-August 2025

Important information:

  • Please note, teaching on Wednesday 12 March and Wednesday 9 April (Programme for 9 April) will take place face to face.  Check the programme for further regarding venues. 
  • The teaching programme is continually updated when speakers confirm.  Some of the teaching sessions are now moving back face to face.  Please keep an eye on the programme for the sessions which will be face to face.  The length of the teaching via Teams is varying from speaker to speaker.  Please keep an eye on the website for update/changes or cancellations to the programme.  
  • Teaching is being recorded (not teaching taking place face to face) and with permission from the speakers this will be uploaded to the Teams channel after each session.  Sometimes speakers do not give permission to share recordings and sometimes data breeches occur during recording, these sessions will therefore be deleted or not recorded.  If any trainee does not wish the teaching to be recorded you must let us know and you can email Adele Simpson directly if this is the case.
  • Feedback - please ensure you complete the online feedback.  This is the only way we know if the teaching we deliver is helpful.  The link will be sent to trainees the day before/day of teaching.  if you are not receiving the link please let us know.  We expect the feedback to be done within 24 hours of the teaching. 
  • None attendance at teaching - Teaching attendance is set at 70% to allow for annual leave/night shifts/sick leave etc. and attendance is mandatory outside of those conditions.  Units should release trainees for teaching.  Trainees will be expected to submit none attendance forms for any sessions you are unable to attend to Adele Simpson these must be submitted after the sessions (not months later).  None-attendance form.
  • The outline programme gives more detail of the topics which will be covered in each session.  Please make a note of all teaching sessions in your diary and keep an eye on this website for any changes. 


Terms of reference (under review)





Information for Current Trainees

Access essential information on regulations, study leave, certification, assessment and the curriculum.

Information for trainers and educators

Development and guidance on becoming a trainer, standards for trainers, essential documentation for clinical and educational supervision including guidance for GP trainers,  Trust and out-of-hours supervisors, plus news about the latest courses and conferences.


Potential Applicant

Visit our Recruitment website to find out what it's like to be a GP trainee in the north east and north Cumbria.