Trainer Appraisal Information

Durham & Tees Valley GP Training Programme Trainer Appraisal Overview

As we move to a 5 year cycle of reappointment we have updated how annual trainer appraisals will be managed. In order to get the maximum benefit from the appraisal process while bearing in mind the pressures on time and resources of the training programme and of trainers the following is how annual appraisals will be carried out moving forward.


Types of Appraisal

(1) Trainer appraisal with a Training Programme Director (TPD) - This is a Face-to -Face (F2F) appraisal.  Applicable to all Trainers annually for the first 2 years following their initial appointment as a Trainer and then every 5 years in anticipation for their Trainer Reappointment process. The GP Training Scheme will liaise with the Trainers individually to arrange this appraisal.

(2) Cross Border Conversation – At the annual Educators Conference. The session facilitator’s will arrange the peer groups. It is the individual Trainer’s responsibility to submit their completed Cross Border Converstaion appraisal form to the Training Programme.

(3) Peer appraisal – The GP Training programme will match Trainers for Peer appraisal. Trainers matched for Peer appraisal will be those who are not due a F2F TPD Appraisal or have not attended the Cross Border Conversation sessions at that year’s Educators Conference.

The Training Programme will notify the Trainers of their peer match by the end of May each year. It is the Trainers’ responsibility to arrange the appraisal and to submit their completed Peer appraisal form to the GP Training Programme before 31st December of that year.


Appraisal Documentation

Appendix 1 – Trainer appraisal form

Appendix 2 – Cross Border Conversation appraisal form

Appendix 3 - Peer appraisal form

Please ensure to download all files before use. Using them in the web version of microsoft office can cause issues.

Appraisal Submission

After each Cross Border Conversation or Peer appraisal you are required to submit your completed appraisal form (Appendix 2/3) to the training programme via email to

In the 1st, 2nd and 5th year for your one to one with a TPD you must complete the Trainer appraisal form (Appendix 1) and submit this via the link provided by the GP Training Programme at the latest two weeks prior to your appraisal date, failure to do so will result in your appraisal date being rearranged. NOTE: (16) Observed Teaching Review - You are also required to submit a recording of 20 minutes e.g., a CAT/RCA/teaching session/debrief via the link provided by the GP Training Programme - this needs to be submitted at least two weeks before the appraisal date.

In order to maintain your GMC Trainer status, it is each trainer’s professional duty to have a Trainer Appraisal annually in addition to your GMC GP appraisal and any appraisal required for additional roles. You should submit the outcome of your Peer and Cross Border appraisal to the training programme. Failure to do so may adversely affect your trainer reappointment.