Urgent and Unscheduled Care 



Summary of processes for Urgent & Unscheduled Care Training in General Practice Training


In the New Curriculum, requirements for Out of Hours (OOH) training have been replaced by a requirement for postgraduate doctors in training to gain capabilities in ‘urgent and unscheduled care’(UUC). These specific capabilities are in turn mapped to the broader thirteen capability areas (please see appendix 1 below for details.)

Educational Supervisors will no longer be required to ‘sign off’ postgraduate doctors in training as competent for OOH care at the final ARCP Panel. The capabilities required to provide UUC/OOH will be assessed as part of the overall ESR.

However, postgraduate doctors in training still have a contractual responsibility to complete a certain number of OOH sessions in ST3.

Please see the following UUC guidance document for more information.



Provider details


Cumbria Health


Hartlepool and Stockton Health
