As a specialty trainee you will be required to participate in the annual assessment (ARCP) process as outlined in the Gold Guide.
Annual ARCP's take place in July with an ARCP reveiw date and a seperate Postgraduate Doctor feedback session.
Your Programme Support Officer will contact you in advance with the confirmed dates for submission of evidence, when it will be reviewed and when you will have your face to face meeting.
You can reference a copy of the guide to using the e-portfolio and the Learning Outcomes by project spreadsheet which is referred to in the guide. This is a cumulative record that you should keep throughout your training (adding more column as needed). You should include a brief name and date of the project at the top of the column for ease of reference.
Evidence should be collected as you progress throughout your training year and not left to the last few weeks prior to your ARCP.
For people attending for their final ARCP
- Completed learning grid
- Reflection on your time in training since last ARCP and the plans you are making re consultant posts
- ES report
For people attending formal ARCP
- A reflection on your action plan from last ARCP indicating how you have addressed required actions
- A reflection on your placement since last ARCP including overview of work that you have been doing
- For pieces of work that you have completed, upload evidence and complete related LO sign-off (note that this may be partial or full; for partial sign-off, your ES should indicate what is still needed to achieve full sign off)
- For pieces of work that are still in progress, describe these in the general ‘placement reflection’ document, including which LOs they will address and whether full / partial
- Spreadsheet of LOs by project
- Current LO grid
- ES report
For people attending for pre-maternity leave ARCP
- Summary of work since last ARCP
- Reflection on placement since last ARCP and plans for return to work, highlighting any issues we need to consider in planning next attachments
- Spreadsheet of LOs by project
- If any work pieces of work have been completed since last ARCP sign of LOs etc. as usual
- ES report