These sessions are designed for International Medical Graduates, particularly those new to NHS but open to all.
The aim of the programme is to:
- Sign-post to resources to help you settle in to training quickly,
- Provide an outline of the Training Programme with information on assessment and support.
- Provide opportunities for peer support,
- Discuss how training may have differed from where you have trained, including discussion on specific topics such as palliative care, social care and sexual health.
- Learn from the experience of other international graduates,
- Learn and practice enhanced communication skills specific to General Practice to maximise efficiency of consultations but also to maximise chances of exam success.
- Reduce differential attainment through exam support and communication skills sessions.
Our current and past Doctors in Training help us deliver these sessions.
Feedback from sessions has been very positive but you will need to request study leave to attend these sessions as soon as possible.
The programme consists of 6 sessions detailed below and they will all take place on Wednesday afternoons 13.30 – 16.30 at Coach Lane Campus.
To book onto one of these sessions, please click the booking link available under each heading. Ideally please book on at least 2 weeks ahead of the session.
If you would like to attend, please request study leave as soon as possible:
If you have any questions please contact or
Session 1
Date: 28th August 2024
Topic: Welcome to the Northumbria GP Training Scheme
- What will the training involve including an outline of exams and work-placed based assessments
- Where to get support- with talks from social prescribing, BMA, current DiTs involved in the Buddy System
- Lived experience from a former Doctor in Training
- An opportunity to meet people, form connections and share fears or concerns.
Venue: BLOCK A Room 007 Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
Link to book:
Session 2
Date: 25th September 2024
Topic: How to make a great e-portfolio.
- Understand what is Reflective Practice and what makes “Good Reflective entry ”?
- Provide a structure for reflective writing
- Understand what we mean by PDP and how to write a PDP, using SMART
- Practice writing a PDP entry
- Discussion of other Dr in training’s experiences and looking at their e-portfolios
Venue: BLOCK A Room 104 Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
Link to book:
Session 3
Date: 6th November 2024
Topic: Introduction to North East Culture
We will have a mixture of presentations, small group work and time with an actor to explore:
- The Geordie Accent
- Cultural differences in everyday life
- Cultural differences in the work environment
- Social care and palliative care in the UK
- Communication skills that can help the consultation
- Any difficulties encountered so far and what could help
Venue: BLOCK A 102 Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
Link to book:
Session 4
Date: 27th November 2024
Topic: We will cover general and GP based consultation models, discuss shared decision making and practise enhanced consultation skills, learning from working in small groups with an actor.
Venue: BLOCK A 202 Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
Link to book:
Session 5
Date: 18th December 2024
Topic: Challenging consultations such as telephone consultations, breaking bad news and taking a sexual health history.
Venue: BLOCK A 105 Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
Link to book:
Session 6
Date: 22nd January 2025
Topic: AKT exam
This session aims to introduce you to the AKT by exploring questions such as;
- What does the exam involve?
- When shall I sit it?
- How shall I prepare for it?
- What are the common pitfalls?
- How can I maximise my workplace learning in a way that will increase my chance of passing first time.
Venue: BLOCK A Room 101 Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
Link to book: