General Practice



Annual appraisal of trainers is a GMC requirement. It is intended to be formative and to help trainers in their continuing professional development as educators. 

Trainer appraisal is a separate process to trainer reappointment (but the appraisal informs the reappointment process).

Types of appraisals:

  • TPD review meetings – these count as an appraisal.
    • For new trainers, a TPD review meeting is required once within the first 2-year appointment.
    • For established trainers, a TPD review meeting is required once within each 5-year appointment cycle.
  • Peer appraisals – these are to be arranged by the Trainer and can be carried out within the same practice. The programme must be sent a copy of the completed form to store in the Trainers file and to log completion. 
  • Cross border conversations - there will be an opportunity to complete the appraisal at the annual GP Educators Conference during the session titled ‘cross border conversations’

The School has agreed a template to be used for recording your appraisal. This should be used as an aide and some feedback may stimulate conversation. The template is below:

Trainer Appraisal

The completed appraisal form needs to be sent to Karen Angles so they can be kept in the individual trainer's file.

You will still need an appraisal if you are fallow.  If for any reason you wish to defer your GP appraisal you will need to let us know you have permission.

End of Post Surveys – these are submitted by Doctors in Training at the end of their attachment and shared with trainers for their reflections. These contribute to the re-accreditation process.