Raising Concerns


Raising Concerns Signposting

Issues relating to:


Patient safety


Working time regulations

LET Policy
Raise with ES/TPD/HR LET contact Associate Dean/Dean

Malpractice concerns
LET Whistleblowing Policy
Raise locally first with ES/ TPD/ Clinical lead/ Associate Dean or your HR LET Contact



HEE Policy
Local: Local HEE office National: Lead recruitment office

Employment related grievances for Doctors and Dentists employed by LET
LET Policy
Raise with ES/TPD/clinical lead/manager if unresolved raise to LET HR representative/ associate Dean/Dean
Raising concerns about patient safety
GMC Guidance
GDC guidance
Always review and raise concern locally and to most suitable level first
Concerns regarding training and quality
HEE policy
HEE training quality
concerns policy
Raise with ES/TPD/relevant postgraduate dean/HEE
Alcohol and Drugs
LET policy
Raise with ES/TPD/clinical lead then LET
HEE policy
Raise with ES/TPD/head of school/Associate Dean/PGD
Stress in the workplace
LET Policy
Raise with either their ES/TPD/associate Dean/ LET HR Contact, the host training organisations medical staffing or the Trainee Support Service
Complaints relating to Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) process
HEE NE Appeals Policy
Discrimination and Harassment
LET Dignity in workplace policy
LET EDI policy
Raise with ES/CL/TPD/LET


We understand that the process of raising concerns may be difficult and we take this seriously. In 2022 we undertook a survey of all Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in the North East looking at barriers to raising concerns in training. The results from 340 responses are summarised in the infographic below