SuppoRTT Guidance & Forms

Below are the forms which should be completed as part of the SuppoRTT process. Once complete, click submit then download your responses as a PDF and file in your ePortfolio as well as sending a copy to your relevant Educational Supervisor/Training Programme Director or SuppoRTT Lead.

Adjacent are four infographics which give a quick overview of the SuppoRTT Process when taking time out of programme for varying reasons. 

HEE-NE SuppoRTT Guidance Document

Individualised Action Plan

What is SuppoRTT? Workshop Handbook

Supported Return to Training Forms 

Please be aware, due to a new application in use in the administration of SuppoRTT, all forms will require a trainee unique reference number when being completed. This will be sent automatically to the trainee via email. 

Please Contact the Specialty Progamme Coordinator to recieve a copy of this. 

Pre-Absence Form

Pre-Return Meeting Form

Return Review Meeting Form

TPD / Supervisor Guide for Pre-Return Meetings


SuppoRTT Infographics

Please select the images below to expand. Each infographic contains 
links to the relevant SuppoRTT documents.