Language and Communication


LSFD Communication Workshops: The Learner Support and Faculty Development (LSFD) team at NHSE ENE deliver a number of workshops for trainees to help with communication and language skills.  These workshops cover a variety of topics including accent softening, cultural factors, presentation skills and difficult conversations. To search for and book onto any upcoming NHSE ENE workshops, please click here.


NHS Cultural Competence e-learning module: This online module hosted by eLearning for Health, is designed to support clinicians in the NHS to gain knowledge and understanding of the issues around culture and health; and how this might influence health care outcomes. Access to this e-learning module can be found here.


HEE London Induction Package: Health Education England London has created an online induction package for International Medical Graduates which has useful sections on English Language and Professional Communications skills. More information about this induction package can be found here.


BMJ Learning: The British Medical Journal Learning site has a number of online modules about communication skills. More information can be found here but please note some of the content on BMJ learning is only available to those with a subscription.


Greater Manchester Training Hub – Teaching and Learning Consultation Skills: The Greater Manchester Training Hub offers a set of online modules covering all aspects of teaching and learning consultation skills. Access to these online modules can be found here.


Doctors Speak Up: A multimedia resource that has been developed to address the language and communication needs of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) working in Australia. Although some of the content is specific to Australia, most of it is useful for anyone practicing medicine in an English speaking country. Please click here for more information.


Geordie Dictionary: Geordie is a term used to describe people from the Tyneside area of the North East of England (although it is often used to refer to all people from the North East). Most regions in the UK have their own regional dialects and may use very different language and slang terms. This dictionary from England’s North East can help you understand some of the common words and expressions used by people from the North East.


If you have any feedback on the IMG Resource Hub or any of the resources it links to please email: