Oral Health affects every segment of our population, from the very young through to those at the end of life.
By 2021, 1 in 5 people in the UK will be over the age of 65; thus, a growing number of people will require additional help caring for their oral health. Meanwhile, tooth extractions for those aged 19 and under cost the NHS approximately £50m each year, with children and parents missing productive days of school and work to treat preventable tooth decay. Click the link to find out Why Oral Care is Important
NHS Team Smile- New Free Resource
People with learning disabilities often face extra barriers to care, but with good communication and supportive resources we can help safeguard the oral health of these vulnerable patient groups.
This website aims to help both people visiting the dentist, and dental staff, to make the experience more positive. We have developed five videos to show a positive and supportive dental visit using voice overs, Makaton signs and symbols. A range of resources including sign banks, prompt cards and factsheets are also available to download from the website https://nhsteamsmile.co.uk

Oral health training is currently available for the following (please click on links to view brochures available):
Book your free virtual training session today
For more detailed information on our training programmes or to book a place please email england.oralhealthtraining.ne@nhs.net