Paediatric Dentistry


This post is based within the department of Child Dental Health. One session is timetabled within the Orthodontic Department

Casualty Clinic

The post holder will see the casualty patients presenting to the department. This will either be by self referral or emergency referral from a GDP. The post holder will arrange or carry out a treatment to alleviate discomfort and will ensure appropriate follow up. At each admission/casualty session here will also be booked in patients to see.

General Anaesthetics and Sedation Assessment

The post holder will assess patients referred by GDPs for treatment under GA or Sedation because they are not suitable for treatment under LA alone. Restorative treatment under RA Sedation is undertaken on treatment sessions in the Department.

Paediatric Treatment Sessions

These are designed to try and give the post holder experience of all aspects of paediatric dentistry.

Traumatised Tooth Clinic

There is a traumatised tooth clinic every afternoon during the week. The post holder will be allocated to at least one of these clinics, which deal solely with the treatment and sequelae resulting from traumatic injuries.

Consultant Clinics

Paediatrics: The post holder will have the opportunity to work with a Consultant on a regular basis to see newly referred and in addition review cases. Comprehensive history taking, examination, differential diagnosis, final diagnosis incorporating special tests and ultimately treatment planning will be carried out for a wide range of problems in paediatric dentistry.

Orthodontics: The post holder will have the opportunity to diagnose and treatment plan a variety of problems in orthodontics by attendance at an orthodontic consultant clinic.



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