Welcome to the website news pages, where we will be outlining the work of the Directorate of Multi-Disciplinary Dental Education. There is so much going on at the present time and we hope to keep you up to date with the developments that effect dental education at all levels. Below you will find updates on a number of major initiatives, including the national Education and Training Review and the GDC’s changed CPD requirements to be introduced in 2018.
Malcolm Smith
Postgraduate Dental Dean
March 2022: E-learning Module for the Health and Social Care Workforce
Health Education England are offering a free e-learning programme which will help up-skill you and your workforce in promoting and improving Oral Health for your clients.
The programme is an easy-to-use eLearning package to support the health and social care workforce in promoting and improving oral health for those in residential and domiciliary care across the region.
On completion of the programme, a certificate will be issued to state that you have explored different areas in oral health and that you have gained understanding of the importance of improving oral health for your clients.
For further information, please contact: oralhealthtraining.ne@hee.nhs.uk
December 2021: Oral Health Qualification
We are delighted to be able to offer dental nurses across the North East and North Cumbria an opportunity to improve the oral health of their patients and communities through access to a fully funded oral health qualification.
The BDA (British Dental Association) online course in oral health education offers flexible online learning to develop skills to deliver oral health within your dental settings and local communities. Topic areas include prevention and management of common oral health diseases and conditions, delivering oral health messages, oral health target groups, and oral health within society.
To be eligible for the training dental nurses should be registered with the GDC (General Dental Council), have the support of a dentist registered with the GDC and have access to IT equipment with sound and a reliable internet connection.
August 2021: COVID-19: Mouth Care
For mouth care recommendations please click here to access the document which will provide also provide you with useful links.
July 2021: Wellbeing Support for the Dental Team
As dental professionals we recognise the importance of mental health and wellbeing for our patients. However, we may not always recognise or prioritise our own mental health needs. Please click here to access the wellbeing support document.
July 2021: Makaton
Health Education England has collaborated on a short film highlighting the experience of someone with a learning disability visiting the dentist, available via YouTube.
April 2021: Health Education England Newsletter
Here at Bourne House we have started to circulate a quarterly newsletter which will give you an insight of the latest news at Bourne House. To view our newsletters, please click here
If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please e-mail bournehouse.ne@hee.nhs.uk
6th June 2018: Advancing Dental Care: Education and Training Review
During the first phase of the Advancing Dental Care project, the review team conducted a six-month engagement and evidence-gathering exercise. This identified and explored a series of options to improve training.
The findings of the review have been set out in a final report. This makes 21 recommendations and states that HEE is committed to a three-year continuation of the project to commence in 2018/19.
31st January 2018: The first Trainee to complete the Special Care Dentistry Training Programme here in the North East.
Please click here to read Kara Scally's training experience in Special Care Dentistry.
6th November 2017: Advancing Dental Care: Education and Training Review
The Advancing Dental Care: Education and Training Review project was launched at the end of September. Its remit is to review the roles, composition and training needs of the whole dental workforce (i.e. all dental registrants), and identify changes, where necessary. Click here to learn more.
10th October 2017: Performer List Validation by Experience (PLVE)
Overseas dentists wishing to work in NHS primary dental care are required to demonstrate equivalence to Dental Foundation Training by the Performers List Regulations. The revised process will be known as Performers List Validation by Experience (PLVE) and has been introduced in this area from 1st October.