Educational & Clinical Supervision


RCGP guidance for Educational and Clinical Supervisors

As a minimum, the Educational Supervisor and the postgraduate doctor in training should meet for educational supervision (also known Educational Appraisal) soon after the postgraduate doctor in training starts their first year, and at the middle and end of all subsequent academic years. The initial ES meeting will need to be logged on the ePortfolio under 'Educators Notes' as an actual report would not be submitted for this. 

This meeting is designed to review the past year and plan for the next. In an uncomplicated case this would mean a total of seven meetings in a three year programme.


Please click here for a useful guide on writing an ESR.


Process note for payment towards Educational Supervision Report (for postgraduate doctors in training​ not attached to practice)

Any of these meetings that occur when the postgraduate doctor in training is not working in the ES' practice attract £225.44. Claims must be made in real time and within 3 months. Claims after this time will not be paid. 

The School will also pay the above fee for any extra face to face ES meetings with trainees not working in the Educational Supervisor's practice, where these are deemed necessary by the ARCP panel or process.

Please ensure that the ES has signed off the ESR review on the Doctors ePortfolio before submitting a claim otherwise it will be rejected. 

Once a claim has been made, GP Practices will be paid directly via NHS England in the same way that GP Practices are currently sent trainer grant and CPD payments (please see table below for payment dates).

The payment will show on Practices’ Exeter statements, with references showing ‘ESR Claim: and postgraduate doctor in training name’.

Practice Managers (or equivalent) or GP Trainers should complete the following survey in order to claim for this activity:



When completing the survey, the claimant will be asked to provide the practice organisation code. The practice code begins A8 e.g. A87007. If you are unsure of the practice code, please check the following list.


The system will accept one ESR claim per submission. If you are claiming for multiple ESRs these will each have to be completed separately.

If there are any issues with the claim (for example, an ESR is not visible on the Portfolio or no Educators note has been added for an intial review) it will be rejected, and the claimant will be notified immediately via email. The claimant will then need to resubmit a new claim once amended.


Payment schedule

The survey must be completed by 5pm on the following dates in order to be paid the following month Payment Date
31st March 24h April
30th April 24th May
31st May 23rd June
30th June 24th July
31st July 24th August
31st August

22nd September

30th September 24th October
31st October 24th November
30th November 22nd December
31st December 24th January 2024
31st January 2024

23rd February 2024

28th February 2024 22nd March 2024