The Personalised Care Institute provide a range of e-learning options to support with core skills, shared decision making, personalised care and support planning and more. These free courses are suitable for all health and care professionals, regardless of profession and seniority. Please continue to check this page as new resources and tools will be added and updated regularly.
The Personalised Care Institute Website
Available Learning Courses
Browse the learning list to find something that you’d like to learn about. Choose from short 30 minute modules designed to introduce you to a range of personalised care curriculum topics and some deeper dive courses containing several modules.
Over 46,000 PCI training courses have now been completed by clinicians. The free training delivered through the PCI helps to develop the professional skills and behaviours required to deliver shared decision making, personalised care and support planning and health coaching, as fundamental ways of working across health and care staff. This progress takes the PCI closer to the Universal Personalised Care Action 5 that at least 75,000 clinicians will be trained by 2023/24.
Don’t forget to log your learning in the eLearning portal for CPD points and your certificate.
Personalised Care Roles Training Matrix
West Yorkshire Training Hub have compiled the below list of available training courses and programmes to create a Personalised Care Roles Training Matrix & Personal Development document, updated in July 2024.
The Personalised Care Roles Training Matrix & Personal Development document outlines the training available, organised by area of competency.
New Personalised Care Workforce Development Frameworks
NHS England have published the workforce development frameworks for health and wellbeing coaches and care coordinators.
The frameworks provide guidance for people employed in these roles and those employing them helping to increase understanding of where they can have most impact in supporting and empowering people to improve their health and wellbeing. They also set professional standards and competencies, give guidance on supervision, training, and continuous professional development.
This now completes the suite of three frameworks following the publication of the workforce development framework for social prescribing link workers last month.
To access the frameworks and for more information about these roles, please click here.
Free Online Course – Introduction to Leadership for Personalised Care
This three-week online course is open to anyone working in a primary care setting, looking to build their personal impact and leadership, and those who want to find out more about leading a person-centred approach. It will help people to take the first step in being a leader in this field and to develop important skills and confidence to provide a strong foundation in leadership.
To access the course and for more information, please click here.
Money Talk Toolkit to Support Personalised Care Conversations
The NHS-commissioned Personalised Care Institute has joined forces with the Money and Pensions Service to launch the Money Talk Toolkit, equipping health and care professionals to use personalised care to identify, understand, support and refer people with money-related health issues, in order to achieve the outcomes that most matter to them.
Developed in response to rising numbers of people experiencing health issues that may be related to money, the toolkit offers free courses and resources, guidance on how to begin money conversations and details where to signpost patients for effective financial wellbeing support.
To access the toolkit, please click here.
Training Needs Analysis 2022/23: Personalised Care Roles
In January 2022, the Primary Care Training Hub worked with First Contact Clinical on a small pilot for the Personalised Care roles. Research was conducted on the skills frameworks to be used, and it was agreed that the same skills framework should be applied across all three roles, with the option for participants to select "this skills is not relevant to my role”, which can show place based or organisation based differences between roles.
The pilot was completed by individuals across all three roles and was evaluated that it covered all suitable topics, and so was utilised in the ICS wide TNA.
Please click here to view the NENC Training Needs Analysis Report 2022/23 for Personalised Care Roles.
Shared Decision Making 'Refresher'
The Personalised Care Institute are encouraging clinicians to complete its free shared decision making eLearning refresher to respond to changing patient expectations. It follows new GP Patient Survey data showing that a record 44.6% of patients want more involvement in their healthcare decisions.
The free refresher module will:
Take just 30 minutes to complete
Is online and accessible 24/7
Includes sections on decision aids, risk and consent
Completers will receive a Certificate of Learning to claim CPD points.
To access the shared decision making refresher e-learning, please click here.
Health and Wellbeing Coach Mentor Offer - North East and Yorkshire Region
The Personalised Care Team are providing the opportunity to North East and Yorkshire staff to become a regional mentor to Health and Wellbeing Coaches (HWBC) 1 day per week. This is to provide support for HWBC working in PCNs and primary care across the North East North Cumbria and Yorkshire and Humber regions and to support PCNs wanting to establish HWBC in their area.
Your mentor is here to:
Support local system leaders
Act as HWBC champion for the region
Be Main point of contact for all HWBC networks
Support local system leaders, both providers and commissioners, to understand how health and wellbeing coaches fit within a wider personalised care approach.
Support opportunities to embed health coaching across local healthcare systems
Coordinate and facilitate monthly peer network meetings, open to all HWBC in NEY
Link to national HWBC & supported-self management team
Provide links and networking to support implementation of personalised care
Support and facilitate national HWBC learning events
Co-produce, support and facilitate regional learning events for all personalised care roles to support and develop integration of the roles
Provide a link and point of contact to any service wanting support or information about how to use HWBC effectively
Direct support to HWBCs from Mentors:
Support and education for best practice in health and wellbeing coaching.
Help HWBC establish their role
Facilitate PCN understanding of best practice and role of HWBC
Support HWBC to increase referral numbers
Advise and support regarding practical set up of the services
Support regarding appropriateness of referrals / cases
Support for HWBC general wellbeing
Provide networking opportunities and connections between HWBC
Signposting on to: NHS futures forum / NHSE national team
There are some boundaries to the mentor role; mentors are not able to have direct involvement in employment issues as these are signposted to appropriate avenues of support. They cannot deal with complex wellbeing needs and coaches will be signposted to the appropriate support. Mentors are also unable to provide coaching supervision 1:1.
Your North East and Yorkshire HWBC mentor for 2022/23 is: Dr Caroline Gibson (GP, Lifestyle Medicine Physician & Coach).
Follow @drcarolinegibson on Instagram and Facebook
Health and Wellbeing Coaches Peer Support Network
We are a very friendly, welcoming group. Our aim is to be a safe space to connect, meet and discuss coaching life with like-minded colleagues. Each month we share and learn a coaching-related topic or case study, and have time and space for discussion of cases and issues from practice.
The group is facilitated by Dr Caroline Gibson (NHSE) and we meet monthly, usually on the second or third Wednesday of the month, at lunchtime via MS Teams (invites sent the week before). Meetings are free to join, optional, and open to all health coaches in the area. Do feel free to come and drop in for a bit if you can’t make the full session.
To be added to the invite distribution list, please email
You can also join the discussion on the NHS Futures Platform.
Personalised Care Institute Newsletter
To sign up to the Personalised care Institute newsletter, please click here.
Tools, Resources and Support
If you're looking for a role within primary care, all vacancies are advertised on NHS Jobs and HealthJobs.
For guidance on completing a successful application on NHS Jobs, please click here.
Keep up to date on the virtual and face to face events coming up through our events page. We recommend checking this regularly, as it is often updated with events that may be relevant to your role, your interests or your development.
Click here to access.
Health and Wellbeing
We recognise the incredible challenges and pressures that your role requires you to face on a daily basis. We've collated a range of health and wellbeing resources that are either free to the public, or free to NHS staff, that can be found here.
Knowledge Library Services
Health Education England fund the Knowledge Library Services, allowing you to access high quality knowledge and evidence resources all in one place to support you in the patient care you provide.
Click here for more information about this service or to start a search.
Contact us on where the team will be happy to help!
Submit a query to the Personalised Care Institute here.