Annual Review of Competence Progression Panel (ARCP)



The moderation and progress of postgraduate doctor in training in Work place Based Assessment (WPBA) is the responsibility of the School and will be mediated through a process of an annual panel review; 'The Annual Review of Competence Progression Panel' (ARCP panel) 

The ARCP panel has the following objectives - Para 7.52 (Gold Guide)

- consider and approve the adequacy of the evidence and documentation provided by the trainee, which at a minimum must consist of a review of the trainee’s educational portfolio including a structured report from the educational supervisor(s), documented assessments (as required by the specialty curriculum) and achievements. The panel should provide comment and feedback where applicable on the quality of the structured educational supervisor’s report;

- consider the time out of training during the assessment period and from entry to the programme (see GMCs position statement on time out of training) and determine whether training duration needs to be extended.

- provided that adequate documentation has been presented, to make a judgement about whether the trainee’s progress has been satisfactory and whether they can progress to the next level of training. Trainees who are full time and receive an outcome 1 will progress to the next level. Trainees who are less than full time may have satisfactory progress but progress to the next level will depend on the competencies gained in the time available to them.

- consider suitability to progress to the next stage of training or confirm training has been satisfactorily completed

- provide advice to the RO regarding Revalidation of the trainee.

Please note that postgraduate doctor in training will be informed of their ARCP date 12 weeks before the panel.  Postgraduate doctor in training do not attend in person.
