SOX (Support on Exams)

Welcome to our SOX (Support On eXams) webpage.


We appreciate that this can be a stressful time. If you need any further support please view: as well as the Lead Employer Trust website or BMA website.


Please do not hesitate to contact your Educational Supervisor, Training Programme Director, or Occupational Health if you are struggling. There is a wealth of support available which is confidential.



In August 2021 HEE North East and North Cumbria launched the RCA/CSA SOX programme. This innovative programme was developed by two CSA Examiners within HEE North West. The programme was originally designed to support those on an extension to pass their CSA exam. The programme has and continues to be a huge success, with adaptations being made to ensure alignment with the current exam format (now SCA).



This programme is designed to best support you in achieving success in your SCA.

SOX is by invitation only to doctors who have sat, and failed, their SCA exam. Invites are sent out from Central Office directly to eligible GP Doctors in Training (GPDiTs) soon after the exam results are published.


If you think you should have received an invite but cannot see one, please email to enquire further.


What does SCA SOX involve?

The SOX day is held virtually via Teams, and usually runs from 10am to 4pm.

Once registered, you will receive information from Central Office detailing the agenda for the day plus any other information required.

During the SOX day you will have the opportunity to:


1.       discuss the SCA 

2.       learn how best to prepare 

3.       be introduced to the FourteenFish SCA-SOX package 

4.       practice role playing cases with experienced SCA Examiners



SCA-SOX Tutorial and Resources  


Following the SOX Day, you will need to purchase the consultation package from 14Fish using Accent Leave Manager to seek approval.


You can claim the cost of the package back using EASY expenses.


You will then be matched to an SCA-SOX Educator. You need to contact them and arrange a tutorial with both you and your Trainer. Please note you only receive one tutorial with the SOX Educator as part of the process.


You will be asked to record three consultations in your surgery before the SCA-SOX tutorial. These recordings will be used for teaching purposes in your SCA-SOX tutorial.  You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire in advance of the tutorial, this will be emailed to you.


When you purchase the SCA Plus package you will be able to record your 3 consultations on FourteenFish through the package, and then share them with your allocated SOX Tutor. The cost of the SCA Plus Package can be claimed back via ALM and Easy expenses.


If you opt not to buy the SCA Plus package, please let your allocated Tutor know that you will be sharing consultations via FourteenFish with them, but not via the package. This affects how they can view and rate the consultations on their side, so it is helpful for them to know in advance of the tutorial.


There is guidance here on how to record and share consultations and here on how to use the SCA Plus package.


The consultation videos should be watched by your Trainer, yourself and your SOX Educator before the tutorial and reflected on, using the 14Fish SOX RAG rating. You will be introduced to this during the SOX DiT Day, and a copy will be provided during the SOX Tutorial matching process.


The SOX Educator will also review your e-portfolio and questionnaire before the tutorial.


During the tutorial you will be given personalised and focussed feedback on how best to prepare for your SCA. 


It is well recognised that candidates do best if they have at least 3 months between an exam failure and resit.


If you plan to sit your SCA within this 3-month period, please let us know and discuss this with your TPD.


Useful Resources:

Exam Game Plan