Despite Continuing Professional Development (or CPD) being mandatory and essential for patients to receive the highest quality of care, many healthcare professionals have trouble finding relevant events. Without a dedicated website for providers of education to advertise, healthcare professionals frequently miss opportunities, panic book prior to appraisal or travel long-distances which most now wish to avoid. CPDmatch is to healthcare education what is to hotels and our goals can be summarised by 4 Es:
EDUCATION: To improve access to on-site and virtual courses, conferences, webinars and study days for global healthcare professionals at all stages of their careers. It is never too early to develop a CV.
ENVIRONMENT: To reduce the carbon and pollution cost of receiving education through promoting virtual events and utilising geographic matching when on-site education is unavoidable; stay local or go virtual as every kg of CO2 now counts.
EQUALITY: For CPDmatch to be free for all healthcare professionals and ensure those in lower resourced countries can also find and access high-quality virtual education.
ECONOMY: To help organisations of all sizes commercialise virtual events through providing a level playing field on which to advertise for effective global marketing.
Since its launch in April 2021, we’ve made amazing progress in delivering these goals through features such as the low-carbon search. We accommodate education providers of any size from individuals to universities and we are now open to the world. So, if you are an education provider or healthcare professional, check out the site at and register as there’s nothing to lose but loads to gain.