Framework for allocation and utilisation
of SAS development fund


SAS (Staff Grade, Associate Specialist and Specialty) Doctors and Dentists have access to training funded by the ‘SAS Development Fund’. This fund is received by Trusts annually from HEE NE. The amount is calculated according to the number of SAS Doctors/Dentists employed by the Trusts. The allocation of the fund is based upon principles agreed by the SAS HEE NE Tutors group in line with national recommendations and practice and all fund use has to be accounted for to HEE NE annually.

The fund is allocated in consultation with Trust SAS Tutor as follows:

  • To fund a SAS Tutor post (up to 1 PA/week)
  • To fund administrative support for SAS Development work (up to 2 PA/week)
  • Generic local SAS Development days and lectures
  • Reimbursing costs for SAS Doctors/Dentists attending agreed regional or national SAS Development days

SAS Doctors/Dentists are entitled to take additional days leave to attend these development days, over and above their annual and study leave entitlements. All such leave must be agreed with their CD/OSM in the usual way.

Any fund remaining after the above costs have been met can be applied for by individual SAS Doctors/Dentists to meet specific developmental needs. It is NOT to provide specialty-specific training that can/should be met by Trust study leave. These individual requests will be considered by a small group of SAS doctors, including the SAS Tutor and the local DME, and preference will be given to those who have engaged in the local development days and have not previously applied for individual funding.

Any individually funded SAS Development activity will require feedback on how the activity had benefited the individual SAS Doctor/Dentist to develop professionally, how that learning will affect their current/future work and how they intend to cascade any relevant learning points to other colleagues.

Useful links

Dr Marcin Ostrowski

Associate Dean for SAS & Chair of regional SAS Tutors Group



Claire Walton

Programee Support Manager

Programme Lead for SAS