Date:       Wednesday, 19th October 2022

Time:      9.00am – 5.00pm

Venue   Glow Venue (formerly Xcel Centre), Long Tens Way, Aycliffe Business Park, County Durham DL5 6AP

Tees Esk Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Health Education England in the northeast will be holding its sixth Delirium conference.

This is a Face-to-Face conference after the Pandemic, giving opportunities for colleagues in the northeast to learn, share, and network.

Our theme for the conference is to make everyone ready to tackle delirium in adults and older adults. The event will aim to raise AWARENESS, SKILLS, and KNOWLEDGE on Delirium and showcase inspirational delirium projects. There will be a mixture of presentations by national and local speakers.

Target Audience

If you work within North East and North Cumbria and are interested in quality improvement and passionate about the management and prevention of delirium this conference is for you. The event is aimed at a multi-disciplinary audience (medics, nursing, and others) with a passion for change. There will be opportunities to network and meet people with shared interests.

Submit a poster

We will recognise and celebrate the great work ongoing by holding poster presentations. We will be inviting posters for initiatives that raise awareness, education, audit, and quality Improvement. This will be an opportunity to share best practices with colleagues from around the region.

If there is an area of work on delirium you would like to showcase, you are required to register for the conference and select the option to submit a poster.



The event programme and the abstract booklet along with the conference presentations will be added at a later date.

If you have any queries with regard to this event please contact the Quality Team at quality.ne@hee.nhs.uk