The New to Practice Fellowship funding ended on 31st March 2024. Applications are currently closed, pending future funding decision.
The New to Practice Fellowship is available to all GPs who have gained their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) within the last 12 months and all practice nurses that are new to Primary Care (exceptional circumstances such as sick leave or maternity leave may affect this). Fellows must be looking for or currently in a substantive role; it is expected that individuals will have a minimum of a 2-year contract which includes their Fellowship sessions which will need to be reviewed and amended at the end of the programme.
The eligibility criteria for the General Practice Fellowship Scheme has been expanded to include nurses new to general practice. The inclusion of new to general practice nurses will provide support to accelerate their clinical and professional development in primary care, further incentivise this career route and support those more experienced nurses to transition, ensuring these professionals feel valued and are best able to contribute to the wider workforce.
The GP Fellowship Programme Guidance provides further information on both New to Practice and Post-CCT Fellowships.
Learning Components
Support and Networking
Learning and Development
Portfolio Working
GP Mentorship
Peer Support
Practice Management Skills
Quality Improvement
Mentoring, Supervision and Coaching Skills
Remote Working
Opportunities for Experience
Opportunities for Integrated Working
The ‘unit cost’/per head calculation comprises two elements:
1. Pro-rata reimbursement to the employer for up to one session per week so the individual can be released from the practice to participate in Fellowship activities:
This is calculated at the individual’s actual salary cost
It is further supported by an additional 30% toward on-costs of tax, NI and pension
2. Funding for programme delivery including CPD provision, administration and oversight at £3,000 per participant (pro-rata):
This is further supported through the Supporting Mentors Scheme which delivers the ‘GP Mentorship’ component of this programme
This funded Fellowship will provide each GP and GPN with opportunities to embed themselves in general practice, work across PCNs, and will include funded time with a mentor as well as educational support, academic sessions and networking opportunities.
We have created a reimbursement calculator which can be accessed here. You may need to download this file to input figures and use it for calculations.
Application Process
The Primary Care Training Hub have developed North East and North Cumbria Fellowship Operational Guidance which includes further information and guidance on how to apply for funding. Please note, the Operational Guidance is currently being updated to reflect recent changes to reimbursement rates.
Within this resource are assurance checklists for the GP and GPN Fellowships schemes and an application form for employers to complete. The assurance process is designed for both existing career start programmes, and other employers of newly qualified GPs and GPNs to ensure that any proposed programmes meet the fellowship framework guidance. Each area of the framework should be marked against your proposed model, and then submitted to the Primary Care Training Hub. The assurance checklists can be accessed here: GP Assurance checklist and GPN Assurance checklist .
The GP/GPN application form can be accessed here.
If you do not currently meet the framework requirements, then your local Primary Care Training Hub can guide and support you to implement the criteria locally to assure funding from the fellowship scheme.
Upon completion of the assurance checklist you should return this along with the application form to traininghub.nenc@hee.nhs.uk
Level 1 Clinical Supervisors’ Course
Training Offer for those on the New to Practice GP Fellowship Programme
This one-day online course is appropriate for those involved in (or aspiring to) the supervision of clinical members of the primary health care team. This may include OOH, Advanced Clinical Practitioners, Physician Associates, Clinical Pharmacists and Foundation Drs. We hope this could be the first step on a primary care educators’ journey.
The level 1 course is appropriate for GPs considering becoming a trainer but are not yet fully decided. If wanted, the full intending trainers’ course can be completed at a later date.
This training will cover:
The nature of workplace learning - what is being learnt and how
Learning from experience and how the educator facilitates this, in particular using skills of questioning and feedback
Key factors that influence the learning process, such as motivation, safety, self-efficacy
Learning from observation and modelling
Patient safety
Those who attend receive a certificate confirming they are registered with the School of Primary Care as a Primary Care Clinical Supervisor, which will be valid for 5 years.
Please see the dates of the course below:
Application Deadline
Thursday 24th October 2024 |
Online |
Wednesday 9th October 2024 |
Registration will start at 9.30am and the session will finish at 4:00pm. Please ensure you have a working computer camera and microphone as there is a lot of group interaction.
To apply, please download and complete this application form and submit to: england.intendingtrainers.ne@nhs.net. If you are unable to download the form via the link, please emai The Primary Care Training Hubl: england.traininghub.nenc@nhs.net and request a copy of this.
The Primary Care Training Hub have worked with the Nursing Supervisors to compile short profiles which can be viewed here. Please review these and let us know via the linked contact form if you have a preference for your mentor or supervisor.
The Primary Care Training Hub have worked with the GP Mentors to compile short profiles which can be viewed here. Please review these and let us know via the linked contact form if you have a preference for your mentor or supervisor.
The Primary Care Training Hub have developed the following documents to provide further information and guidance for New to Practice Fellowships:
GP Fellowship Programme Guidance: The Primary Care Training Hub have developed a document that outlines the two fellowships related to GPs and how these are funded. This gives an overview of the differences between the NHS England and NHS Improvement fellowship and HEE Post CCT fellowship and details on how to apply. Please click here to view.
GP Assurance Checklist: This GP Assurance Checklist is designed for both existing career start programmes, and other employers of newly qualified GPs, so that they can ensure that their proposed programmes meet the fellowship framework guidance, and thus enable them to access funding.
GPN Assurance Checklist: This GPN Assurance Checklist is designed to assist existing programmes and new Fellowship providers, assuring their existing career start programmes meet the fellowship framework guidance and where they don’t give insight to the local Primary Care Training Hub who will be able to support to ensure that all requirements are in place prior to the appointment of a Fellow in the workplace.
GP Retention Toolkit: This toolkit for system and primary care leaders to develop local retention plans to support GPs with their careers in general practice. You can also find further information on the national retention scheme here.
FAQs: Please click here to view our Frequently Asked Questions.
Case Studies
Case Study 1.

Case Study 2.

Case Study 3.